
Against “conservative leftism” : Why reactionary responses to neoliberalism fail

Red-brown politics, like fascism, also tends to reject logic and science, promoting traditional/pre-capitalist ways of living and working, including traditional gender roles and sometimes “back-to-the-land” rejection of technology.

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Misanthropic Division: A Neo-Nazi Movement from Ukraine and Russia

Misanthropic Division’s ideological premises include national socialism and anti-Sovietism, white racism and European traditionalism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and sexism. The subtitle of their official webpage reads: “Revolt Against the Modern World”.


Ukrainian Jews and the national idea in the post-Maidan Ukraine

The time of Maidan was decisive for the Ukrainian Jewry, as far as many of them for the first time felt belonging to the country and its history. Still, the presence and active participation of the right-wing organization in the Maidan protests raised the question of anti-Semitism in these groups.